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    What are the classifications of stamping molds?
    What are the classifications of stamping molds?


    1、 Classification by stamping processThe punching process uses a punching die, which includes a material cutting die, a punching die, a cutting die, a cutting d……

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    What are the components of a stamping die?
    What are the components of a stamping die?


    1. Upper moldThe upper die is the upper half of the entire set of stamping dies, which is the part of the stamping die installed on the sliding block of the pre……

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    The structure and classification of hardware molds?
    The structure and classification of hardware molds?


    In industrial production, hardware molds are used in various presses and specialized tools installed on presses. So what are their structures and classifications? Let's briefly introduce it below!Structure: Generally, a simple stamping die is composed of a convex die, a concave die, a convex die fixing plate, a concave……

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    What is the difference between hardware stamping molds and automotive stamping molds?
    What is the difference between hardware stamping molds and automotive stamping molds?


    What are the differences between the molds for automotive panels and ordinary stamping molds? Are most of the panel molds made by casting? Do you need to check the relevant mold seat and pad standards during the design process, just like ordinary stamping molds.

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    What are the maintenance methods for hardware molds?
    What are the maintenance methods for hardware molds?


    The maintenance of injection molds mainly includes three points: daily maintenance of injection molds: various moving parts such as the ejector pin, row position, guide pillar, and guide sleeve are lubricated, the mold surface is cleaned, and the drainage channel for water transportation is maintained every day during ……

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